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/ 18 October 2008
Trade union supporters of ANC president Jacob Zuma scored a victory this week by toppling one of former president Thabo Mbeki’s most vocal supporters.
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/ 16 October 2008
Cedric Gina has been elected as the new leader of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa).
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/ 8 September 2008
Numsa chief accuses the federation of playing politics when it should remain above the fray, reports Rapule Tabane.
Zuma supporters sweep out leaders of Mbeki-aligned chemical union, writes Matuma Letsoalo.
Senior Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) officials who are supporters of President Thabo Mbeki are not facing the axe, the trade-unionfederation said on Monday. Cosatu dismissed reports that three senior officials were in the firing line as ”totally untrue”.