“When you learn, teach.” — Maya Angelou

Nomvula Kgoale



Organisation / Company

TS Galaxy


Nomvula Kgoale, 28, set out to see how she can challenge the naysayers in her community. When they told her that she could not achieve certain things, she turned their negative comments around by doing what they said was impossible. She plays for TS Galaxy Football Club in whatever position the team requires her to on the day. She says she wasn’t an exceptionally talented player to begin with, and had to rely on hard work and self-motivation to get to where she is today. She assists with the Nomvula Kgoale Development Programme, which aims through sport to improve the lives of schoolchildren, especially in rural areas. Nomvula helps to supply training tools to those who are in need such as match kits, soccer balls and soccer boots. She says that obtaining funding has not been easy, but she works hard at her own game and being present at events as an influential sports person. Women’s sports are evolving and changing on a regular basis around the world, and this excites the young soccer star. She’s motivated by what she can yet achieve and become, and believes that whatever she learns, she will pass on to those who need it most.


Bachelor of Science (Geospatial Engineering), Louisiana Tech University


I have a development programme centred around football, in which I provide training tools for those who need them the most, particularly in the rural areas. The tools can include: match kits, cones, soccer balls, soccer boots and more depending on the budget. I learnt that when a person wants to get things done, they often get little support, even if it is for the benefit of the people who are in need.


Not many; I have mostly relied on my instincts and what I have dared to accomplish. I am self motivated — I was not a soccer player who was just brilliant from the beginning. I had to work hard on so many things to get to this level.