Accused number two, Bongani Ntanzi, told the court on Monday that he was threatened by accused number five, Fisokuhle Ntuli, to not say anything or he would be killed
According to a legal expert, the singer should have been charged alongside the five accused
State Prosecutor objected to the lead investigation, reading some parts of the statement as it contains names of others who had not yet responded
Police data analyst Colonel Lambertus told the court that the only person who could have done a SIM swap on Meyiwa’s cell phone was the person who had his ID
Police data analyst told the court there had also been cellphone communication between the five men on trial
Tumelo Madlala, Meyiwa’s childhood friend, testified that Chicco Twala wanted to pay for an overseas trip for Khumalo
The National Prosecuting Authority has also been ordered to clarify where it stands on the second Meyiwa docket
Advocate Zandile Mshololo calls two case dockets for Meyiwa’s murder a ‘gross irregularity’
Dan Teffo said he would call an eyewitness to testify that Khumalo shot her boyfriend with a revolver
Defence advocate argued that his clients were ‘scapegoats’ and the people in the football star’s house covered up his murder