Weekly Mail & Guardian Reporter
The total tax burden in the 1994/95 financial year is=20
Total tax revenue will amount to 24,8 percent of gross=20 domestic product (GDP) in 1995/96 — almost the same as=20 the actual 1994/95 figure.
Direct taxes remain the most important contributor to=20 total tax revenue in 1995/96 at 52,6 percent or 13,6=20 percent of GDP.
Indirect taxes such as VAT will contribute 43,8 percent=20 or 10,6 percent of GDP.
Personal income tax remains the single most important=20 revenue source in 1995/96, again yielding 10 percent of=20
VAT is the second-most important revenue source, at 6,5=20 percent of GDP, as in 1994/95.
Income tax on non-mining companies is estimated to=20 yield three percent of GDP, the same as in 1994/95.=20 Total excise duties are estimated to yield three=20 percent, of which the fuel levy will contribute 1,8=20 percent of GDP.