Eastern Cape
* 205 police stations in the province
* 13% of the national police force serving 16% of the population
* 18 500 policemen, including those from Transkei and Ciskei
* Total manpower shortage in the province estimated at 2 589
Free State
* 109 police stations; 36 satellite points
* 287 civilians per policeman
* Individual stations have shortages since police budget to Free State was cut
* 24 906 police personnel in Witwatersrand region before 1994 elections
* Today there are 31 804 in the Witwatersrand and Pretoria
* Each police officer has to serve 445 people
* 20 223 police officers; need 26 000
* 179 police stations
* Financial shortages, need funds
* 6 596 police personnel in the province; needs 9 720 officers
* 32% understaffed
* 95 police stations. All of them are understaffed
* 499 civilians to every policeman
* Budget for the area has been cut by R40-million compared to last year
* Too few vehicles, but they “have learnt to manage”
Northern Cape
* Working within a restricted budget. Situation could become critical despite a slight decrease in crime
* No recruits since April 94
* 85 police stations in province
* 44% understaffed
* 3667 police officers, with 237 civilians per officer
Northern Province
* 9337 policemen for 90 police stations
* 23% understaffed
* Ratio of police officers to civilians is 1:578
* No recruits since 1994
North West
* 9 337 policemen, about 630 civilians to one policeman
* 90 police stations in the province and they are 70% understaffed
* 3 700 vacancies
Western Cape
* 12 104 policemen serving over 1000 civilians each
* 153 police stations serving a population of nearly 5-million
* Figures indicate that after reorganisation of resources in October 1996, the force will be 17% understaffed
South Africa Narcotics Bureau
* Currently have 30 members in Johannesburg, at John Vorster Square. Needs at least double