/ 6 June 1997

eM&G wins a Loerie

THE Electronic Mail & Guardian won a Loerie trophy, the media industry’s most prestigious prize, at an awards ceremony at Sun City at the weekend. This was the first time that an editorial product has won a prize at the advertising industry-dominated Loeries.

There were 99 entries in the newly created Internet category, for which Loeries were awarded only to the eM&G and to Cape Town design house Electric Ocean, which collected two trophies.

The judges assessed the quality of entries on such features as the clarity of their navigation systems, their efficiency, their use of the interactive potential of the Internet, and their ability to tempt readers to venture within.

Electronic Mail & Guardian editor Irwin Manoim, who collected the trophy on behalf of his staff of five, said the award vindicated a policy of creating a separate online daily newspaper with its own identity, rather than “shovelling” a print product online.

@Two awards for M&G-TV

Mail & Guardian Television’s ground- breaking local television series, Ghetto Diaries, won two awards at a prestigious international media festival this week. It won a Prix Sud-Nord and the Pierre Alain Donner Prize at the Recontres Media Nord- Sud Festival (North-South Encounters) in Geneva, Switzerland.

* Antenna moves into Arts

The Mail & Guardian’s Antenna pages have moved to the Arts section. Find them on pages 28 and 29.