/ 18 June 1999

Winning website

Our 24-hour Internet news site, the Daily Mail & Guardian, is the largest online news publication in the country – by a substantial margin.

Industry figures released this week rate DM&G twice as popular as the Financial Mail, its closest competitor in the publishing category.

The Audit Bureau for Internet Statistics (Abis), part of the Audit Bureau of Circulations which monitors South African newspapers and magazines, provides independently verified statistics for Internet sites. The figures list “page impressions” – roughly equivalent to the average number of articles read per month in the first quarter of this year.

Top of the Abis list is iafrica.com, a “portal” or collection of large numbers of subsidiary websites published by different companies. In third place is the search engine Ananzi, which has until now rated ahead of the DM&G in the Abis listings.

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