Charlene Smith
In 1995 (when 35 000 rapes were reported) the Human Sciences Research Council reported that South Africa had 149,5 rapes per 100E000 population, compared to 34,4 rapes per 100E000 in the United States. The danger of being raped is five times higher in South Africa than in the US.
According to rape homicide expert Dr Lorna Martin of the University of Cape Town, a woman is 40 times more likely to be raped in Cape Town than in any city in Europe.
In 1983 police recorded 15 342 rapes, and in 1998, 54 000 rapes. In 1998, less than 7% of the reported rapes made it to court. In South Africa, 75% of rape is gang rape. A woman is more likely to be raped by three to 30 perpetrators than a single individual.
One in two South African women is raped at some time in her life.
According to police officers in Johannesburg, the incidence of rape reporting over the past year is escalating. In February there were 116 rapes in central Johannesburg – but only 14 police officers to investigate those rapes. Between them they have one computer and four cars.
In Mpumalanga there are eight police officers to investigate rape and child abuse. At the Johannesburg Magistrate’s Court there are four prosecutors, who receive 29 to 40 new cases of rape each month.
Three-quarters of the 34-million people living with HIV in the world are in Southern Africa. In five years, Aids will cost this country 1% of its gross domestic product and consume three- quarters of its health budget.
The government has been offered AZT at the lowest price in the world – R300 or around $50 – for the necessary 28-day supply. It has rejected the offer.
l Sources: Department of Health; Human Sciences Research Council; Groote Schuur Hospital; Johannesburg Hospital; Bristol- Myers Squibb; World Health Organisation; Johannesburg Magistrate’s Court; Mpumalanga police; Parliament; Glaxo-Wellcome; Dr Lorna Martin (UCT); South African Police Services; Department of Justice