SCOTLAND Yard detectives held talks in New Delhi on Wednesday with top officials on the match-fixing scandal surrounding disgraced South African skipper Hansie Cronje and a London-based Indian businessman. K.K. Paul, deputy commissioner of New Delhi police, said that he met with the two British detectives, Sergeant Martin Hawkins and Detective Brook Hollburry. “We have held extensive talks,” Paul said. “They are likely to be here for the next three to four days.” The detectives also met officials from India’s federal investigation agency, the Central Bureau of Intelligence. Indian Home Minister Lal Krishan Advani last week said India could seek Scotland Yard’s help in probing the match-fixing allegations in which the key suspects are Cronje and Sanjiv Chawla, an expatriate Indian. International cricket was rocked to its foundations after sacked South African captain Hanse Cronje and three teammates were accused by New Delhi police of match-fixing during a recent series against India.