/ 12 July 2001


A United Nations panel of experts on Monday ended a week-long visit to Liberia aimed at reviewing sanctions imposed by the international body for Monrovia’s perceived support to Sierra Leonean rebels. Martin Chungong Ayafor, who headed the five-member team, told journalists that the panel had held discussions with government officials and private groups. Ayafor said the team visited the Central Bank of Liberia, the port at the capital city Monrovia and other “relevant institutions concerned with the implementation of the sanctions.” The United Nations has since May imposed hefty sanctions on Liberia, including tight travel restrictions on its leaders, other key officials and some businessmen, a diamond export ban and an ongoing arms embargo. Monrovia is accused of providing arms to Sierra Leone’s RUF rebel group in return for the so-called “blood diamonds” mined by the rebels. Liberian President Charles Taylor denies the charge. – AFP
