/ 7 September 2001

Tony Leon’s flunky should check Hansard

When it comes to the truth about Ryan Coetzee’s master, Tony Leon’s inexcusable release to the public of Victoria Johnson’s confidential affidavit (August 31), then perhaps before denying and fulminating, Coetzee should inspect the records of the Heath commission.

A reading of the Hansard of the Heath commission hearings yields the following exchange between advocate La Grange and Belinda Walker, deputy mayor of Cape Town Unicity.

”LA GRANGE: Mrs Walker, did you disclose to Mr Leon Mrs Johnson’s attitude and her instructions regarding the confidentiality of this document?

WALKER: I told Mr Leon that I had permission from Mrs Johnson to show him the affidavit on a confidential basis, yes.”

From pages 60 and 61 of the Heath report: ”Mrs Johnson testified that she had given a copy [of her affidavit] to the Deputy Mayor who in turn wanted to give it to Mr Leon. Mrs Johnson had no objection to that. However, when it became clear that they intended publishing it, she objected to that and called for an undertaking that Mr Leon and/or his party would indemnify her against any claim that might be instituted against her. She was informed that no indemnity was forthcoming and that they would nevertheless publish it. She was most unhappy about this. This was the version at the hearing and reports contrary to this are probably not correct.” Robert Kirby, Cape Town