What is the origin of the phrase “draconian laws”?
Named after Draco, the ancient Athenian statesman whose penal code made his name a byword for severity. Steven Davies, Cape Town
What exactly (in biochemical terms) are the “toxins” that so many diet regimes aim to “flush out” of our systems, usually by semi-starvation for a few days and/or copious intake of water?
Paracelsus, who lived about 500 years ago, might have replied that there is no such thing as a toxin but every chemical has a toxic dose. The inability of the education system to pass on to pupils this simple insight costs society and individuals dear.
Every mouthful of vegetable matter that you eat contains hundreds of chemicals that could, if accumulated, cause harmful effects. Hence humans evolved long ago to metabolise and excrete all manner of weird chemicals. If you eat a sensible mixed diet, the concentration of any one chemical is kept below toxic levels by these mechanisms. Thus, ridding yourself of “toxins” is a normal part of living and needs no special diet.
If you adopt a weird diet, that will change the types of molecules you metabolise and excrete, but whether the excreted chemicals are more or less hazardous than those excreted normally is by no means certain. Dr Richard Firn, Department of Biology, University of York, United Kingdom
When a Muslim man dies in the jihad, it is said that paradise awaits him with 70 virgins. What do women martyrs get?
In 1986, while I was living in an Islamic country and before I had even heard of women martyrs, I posed the same question to a Muslim learned man. He told me without hesitating that as soon as they reach paradise after death, women martyrs change their sex.
In this manner they are able to enjoy fully the pleasures reserved for the shahidin, chief among them the company of the dark-eyed houris. Xavier Romero-Frias, Barcelona, Spain
Why do female film stars lift one foot when being kissed? Does anyone do this in real life?
The average heterosexual woman is shorter than her partner, and therefore has to stretch to reach his lips. It is easier (and more aesthetically pleasing) to stretch on one leg than two. This is probably more noticeable in old movies because of the Hays code’s prohibition on film couples kissing while horizontal. David Cottis, London, UK
Any answers?
After 40 years of addiction I have not smoked for two months. How long must I persevere before I can describe myself as a non-smoker? Tom Brazil, Edgware, Middlesex, United Kingdom
Which is more economical and which is more environmentally friendly: printing out a document once and photocopying it 29 times or printing out 30 copies? Ian Hutchison, Cambridge, UK
Compiled by Joseph Harker. Send your Notes & Queries to PO Box 91667, Auckland Park, 2006. Fax to (011) 727 7111. E-mail to [email protected]. Please keep questions and answers short.