/ 25 September 2002

‘The space-alien cult in our Government’

A PR person for Scientology sent me email, wanting to meet me and ‘find out my views’ – presumably because of my oblique ‘cult’ reference in this column a few weeks back. So before this Cult starts its usual dirty tricks (see below) – here’s the info they don’t want you to have.

Imagine that 75 million years ago, there was an evil galactic overlord called Xenu, who decided to kill everyone. He gathered up people and dropped them in volcano’s on Earth (then called Teegeeack), and dumped atom bombs on them. Now imagine that the souls of these people were torn apart, and that today we’re all infected with bits of the souls of these original people, called ‘Body Thetans’. But luckily, there’s an organisation around to help ‘clear’ these souls from us, perform regular ‘exorcisms’ – and disinfect us so that we can become whole again, uncontaminated by the thoughts and feelings left over from all these dead aliens.

Sounds like mental illness or bad science fiction, doesnt it? Well, what you’ve just read is the inner core teachings of the cult of Scientology/Dianetics as explained on their upper ‘OT’ levels (‘Operating Thetan’) – only reached once you’ve undergone a lot of very expensive courses and ‘auditing’ (also called ‘brainwashing’ and ‘authoritative hypnosis’ in various court records).

To prove the reality of the above insane sci-fi story – along with a lot of links to court records, ex-members accounts and online books, go to Xenu. A useful beginners guide to the warped alternative reality as seen by Scientology/Dianetics – including their calling anyone not involved with the Cult – ‘wogs’ and ‘raw meat’ can be found at A Quick Guide to Scientology.

You can also browse through the cults ‘secret’ files online – ie: documents and information they want you to pay for – and which the Cult has been fighting legal battles over what it calls ‘copyright infringements’, at Secret Documents. (Listen to the audio tapes of L Ron Hubbard online, including his statement that ‘There was no Christ’)

Then for quotes from the cults own documents where Hubbard refers to Christ as “a lover of young boys and men”. Christianity and Scientology.

For actual letters and ravings from L Ron Hubbard (whose writings are considered ‘sacred’ by this Cult) go to the hilarious Ron The Nut! And for online reading of more of their ‘secret’ OT teachings, (which low-level members are not allowed to read – or even know about) which were presented as evidence in a ‘copyright infringement’ court case, read The Fishman Affidavits.

There’s been a worldwide attempt by Scientology to silence its critics online, little of which has ever reached mainstream media. Stare in amazement at the legal attempts to silence critics and hide its so-called ‘scriptures’ from the public, at Scientology Versus the Net and Free Speech And ‘Copright Infringement’ on The Internet. For those of you who still have the idea that – because you’ve seen members of this cult dressed up as priests on local TV shows, it must be somehow ‘okay’ – try the official Swiss Report titled Is Scientology a Religion?

Given that this ‘church’ has its own intelligence service (called OSA or ‘Office of Special Affairs’) – get an inside glimpse of a pseudo-military cult like no other, at Scientology’s Secret Service. This Cult also runs its own prison camps, called RPF’s (Rehabilition Project Force) to which offenders are sent to be punished, undergo ‘re-education’, and forced into non-stop hard labour. Read the academic yet frightening report, of use to any judges, law-enforcement agencies or persons examining the Cult from a legal point of view, called Brainwashing in Scientology’s Rehabilition Project Force.

Then to discover what other countries have found out, you can dip into the fairly readable official UK Report. And the equally informative Australian Report. (There was a local Inquiry done, called The Kotze Report – but its not online – and its findings, that this cult should be legislated against, have never been implemented)

Scientology tends to use ‘front’ groups, such as the ‘business management technology system’ known as WISE, or the alleged drug rehab Narcanon, or also the innocent-seeming ‘Citizens Commission for Human Rights. Given that WISE was shown to be connected with the Inkatha Freedom party in the past, its highly disturbing that the Department of Home Affairs locally – coincidentally headed by the head of Inkatha – has awarded Scientology ‘religion’ status, thus allowing the money making by this Cult, to be tax-exempt. Here’s a news report about The IFP-Scientology Connection and there’s more Inkatha references towards the end of the article on Scientology in Africa.

The purpose of these front groups is simply to lure the unsuspecting into the Cult – as was found in Spain with Narconon, for instance. Read Narconon Con. Then take a look at an article and nice pictures of Heber Jentsch, President of Scientology, in handcuffs in Spain. We Love Heber Jentsch! And for the background and official court document as to why Spain had the good sense to act against this Cult, try On Trial in Spain. Another country that the Cult tried to take over (literally) and got booted from, was Greece. Read what happened to Dianetics in Greece.

Before you scream about this poor religion being persecuted, tell me what other ‘Church’ has been involved in the things listed at Illegal Activities By Scientology/Dianetics (presented in court cases). As well as at Scientology Court Records.

Then you might ask – what other ‘Church’ puts photo’s and addresses of its enemies online (in a technique the Cult calls ‘dead agenting’) – take a look at the manipulation of truth and claims of ‘religious persecution’ – and the photographs of ex-members, by Scientology online, at Parishioners as well as at Bigot Watch.

At that last site you’ll have seen a lot of negative info on someone called Bob Minton. Minton is a retired millionaire who became outraged at what this Cult was doing – and got involved. Take a read through the site run by this modern hero, named after the young girl who was kept a virtual prisoner until death, by Scientology, at The Lisa MacPherson Trust. Then read what happened to Lisa (including the campaigns against her family after her death) at Lisa Macpherson.

To localize it further, read what the founder of this space alien cult had to say about black people, and what he wrote to HF Verwoerd, at the excellent Scientology’s Fight For Apartheid.

Finally, a journalist Paulette Cooper, wrote a book about Scientology. The Cult then targeted her in a dirty tricks operation (called Operation Freakout) involving bomb threats and forged letters designed to have her jailed or ‘driven insane’. First, here’s the journalist describing what happened, at Paulette Cooper Testimony. Then the book – The Scandal of Scientology. Links to some of the actual documents seized by the FBI in a raid on the cults headquarters. Documents. And lastly, an excellent Christian-oriented overview of how the cult behaves, can be found at A Religious Mafia?

(You might ask yourself, given the above data – why this Cult is even allowed to operate in South Africa? Ask your local politicians. Forward this to them.)

Until the next time, if a space alien Cult doesnt get me.

Ian Fraser is a playwright, author, comedian, conspiracy nut, old-time radio collector and self-confessed data-junkie. Winner of numerous Vita and Amstel Awards, he’s been an Internet addict and games-fanatic since around 1995, when the Internet began to make much more sense than theatre.