/ 20 April 2005

Letters – ‘Let’s all have one dream’

For a long time, there has been a battle between males and females. In society, in cultures and among our different traditions, the male has always been superior.

Even in the animal kingdom, the male is often perceived as stronger than the female.

For years, the female has had to serve the male, and in our tradition, the male has always been the sole provider of the family.

However, throughout the years, the female has been striving to be accepted as an equal or, at least, to be treated fairly by the male, but the male will not allow it.

Society will not allow for the traditions of its people to be changed. The community is not willing to adhere to any changes, for it would complicate their lives and cause havoc and an even harder and stronger battle between the two sexes.

Nevertheless, has it changed over the years?

Has the male figure decided to share his throne with the female?

Have there been improvements, or have things gotten worse?

Has the battle ended due to improvements from the male side or are the two sexes in an even worse battle?

I do believe that the females of this country deserve to be treated like the gold we mine in our mines.

Together with the males of this country, they should enjoy and take care of their land and each other.

The males and females of South Africa should come together and work to serve each other, pleasing each other and making their home a better place every day.

As we look into the educational side of our country, we realise that it is at our educational institutions where the two sexes are taught to accept each other for who they are, and to work together to achieve the goals that will benefit them both.

I do believe that it is not about which sex it is that heads the school, university or the institution; it is all about the school itself.

It is about taking responsibility as an individual for your actions and not blaming other people for your own shortcomings.

It is about admitting when you have done something wrong, instead of hiding behind someone else.

As the head, it is about striving to do things right and not aiming to please everyone.

But it is in the work environment that we realise that there is a lot of animosity and tension between these two sexes.

Both men and women are trying to please the boss, and some will try to ruin it for others. Instead of aiming to do the job right, some will only seek promotion and bad-mouth others in order for them to get what they want.

It is clear that there are people who will strive for equality between the sexes, while others refuse to even negotiate.

However, the question that one will ask is: Where are we heading? With all this animosity between me and my fellow male citizens, what are we saying to our children, to the future generations? What are we saying about ourselves?

We need to realise that real change starts inside all of us.

Complaining about injustices will not make us believe that we are equal.

Destroying each other will not make us work together; and undermining each other will not build better homes for ourselves or for those who will occupy this land when we are no longer there.

I say we should start with ourselves. If both sexes could look into themselves, and realise that we are all equal before the eyes of our Creator, we would find no reason to fight for the throne, which can very easily be taken from us by Him who created us.

Let us all have one dream.

Even if we look at things differently, we should work together at creating happiness, contentment and peace for all of us.

We should change the world into a place where we can all live together as equals without fear of discrimination.

Onalenna Wendy Mothusi

Tigerkloof Educational Institution