/ 10 May 2005

Man guilty of sabotaging traffic lights

A man accused of disabling traffic lights in March was found guilty in the Roodepoort Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday after he admitted receiving R100 from a tow-truck driver to do the deed.

Attorney Kobus Boshoff said his client, Rudi Berg (23), boasted to a fellow beggar that he had received R100 from the tow-truck driver for switching off the traffic light at the intersection of Ontdekkers and Christiaan de Wet roads, Roodepoort, on the weekend of March 26.

”At the time of the crime, Berg had been living alone in the veld and went home to his mother, brother and father once a week to give them money and to clean up the house,” said Boshoff, explaining that Berg’s family members all receive disability pensions.

In court on Tuesday, Boshoff argued that Berg should do community service, and suggested that he work in a mortuary.

”There is no way that he is in a position to pay his fine,” Boshoff said.

Sentencing is to take place on Thursday. — Sapa