/ 13 September 2005

SA declared free from bird flu

South Africa has been declared free of notifiable avian influenza, says Minister of Agriculture and Land Affairs Thoko Didiza.

The disease was discovered in ostriches in the Eastern Cape and Western Cape in July last year.

”Thanks to the assistance of all the role players and stakeholders it was possible for South Africa to eradicate this worldwide epidemic threat from the country,” the minister said on Tuesday.

The announcement was made on Saturday after a comprehensive survey conducted last month.

”This extremely serious threat to the whole poultry industry has thus been curbed and South Africa has become one of the few countries in the world to have ever achieved this tremendous feat.”

The quarantine status of the two provinces has been rescinded. Severe restrictions imposed on the transporting of poultry, imposed last year, are no longer required.

The partial ban imposed last year on the export of ostriches and poultry, as well as ostrich and poultry products, has been lifted completely.

”After the successful eradication of this outbreak, South Africa will remain vigilant and the veterinary services, together with the ostrich and poultry industries, will take all measures to reduce the risk of reintroducing the infection.

”Surveillance testing will also be carried out in ostrich and chicken flocks at six-monthly intervals to confirm South Africa’s disease-free trading status for notifiable avian influenza,” the agriculture department said. — Sapa