/ 22 June 2007

UK’s ‘meat patrols’ bad news for SA biltong lovers

The habit of packing some biltong in your suitcase as a gift for homesick friends and family in the United Kingdom will have to stop, if the British government has its way, the Star reported on Friday.

Many a concerned mother has sent a package of South African goodies, inevitably including some biltong and dry wors, along with a friend on their way to London. South Africans who live and work in the UK generally stock their backpacks with local favourites during their Christmas visits home.

But, UK customs want to put a stop to this. They have launched a media campaign to warn visitors that it is illegal to bring meat and animal products into the UK and that those who do get caught could be fined up to £1 000 (about R14 000) or even be liable for prosecution.

”They actually have ‘meat patrols’ when flights from South Africa arrive at Heathrow,” says Will Boscawen, who is helping to run the ”If In Doubt — Leave It Out” marketing campaign for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs.

Other countries specifically targeted are Nigeria, Ghana, Bangladesh and China. – Sapa