/ 14 December 2007

Zuma: mild, hot or flaming?

Of all the politicians heading to Polokwane for the ANC conference, presidential hopeful Jacob Zuma will be getting the hottest — or is that warmest — welcome, especially if he is on the Nando’s database.

A new Nando’s campaign that is being circulated online in anticipation of the conference borrows the title of a well-known Leon Schuster movie to toast the country’s ‘most popular Zulu”, as Ahmed Tilly, the creative director of the Black River FC agency, puts it.

Tilly, whose agency has handled several Nando’s campaigns, says the idea was to do something rele-vant about the conference. ‘Zuma is a proud Zulu and he’s never shied away from [representing] Zulu tradition,” quips Tilly. ‘It’s just a fun way of saying he’s in town.”

Thabo Mbeki is acknowledged in the small print: ‘Welcome to Polo­kwane Mr Zuma — and President Mbeki of course. Remember, at Nando’s everyone is welcome — no matter who wins.”

The advert came about spontaneously, without a specific brief, and was emailed to the Nando’s database as there was not enough time to secure advertising space.

Nando’s SA marketing director, Paul Appleton, says the company’s advertising voice is rooted in its born-and-bred South African culture; its history of social commentary ranges from religion to sport and politics.

‘Our advertising has a history of being relevant and top-of-mind and, with the impending ANC conference, we could not resist putting into the public domain what is top-of-mind in every conversation around South Africa this week,” he said.