The latest version of the Industrial Policy Action Plan (Ipap) will create 129 000 jobs, the Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies said on Wednesday.
‘It is anticipated that IPAP 2 2011/12 – 2013/14 interventions will lead to 43 000 direct jobs and 86 000 indirect jobs, totalling 129 000 jobs,” he told media in Johannesburg at the launch of the latest IPAP.
Davies said they would make ‘incremental” progress on job creation with more modest job targets to start off.
This iteration of IPAP 2 would be tabled in Parliament on Wednesday.
Last year, IPAP 2 was introduced, and it was announced then that it would become a rolling three year plan corresponding to the financial year.
Since then, government launched its new growth path economic strategy which envisages creating five million jobs by 2020.
Davies said the Ipap is the part of the new growth path that deals with value-add activities in manufacturing and other high-level services.
The Ipap is focusing on a few new areas where the dti has identified potential growth.
These include oil and gas, green energy, agro-processing, boat building, as well as metal fabrication, capital and transport equipment.
The boat building industry employs 4 500 people and produces goods and services valued at R1,2-billion, with 85% of the industry based in the Western Cape.
It is a heavily export-orientated industry.
The dti sees opportunities in increasing exports and developing the local market by offering rebates and reducing duties.
‘There are a number of small businesses doing this, but if we cluster it can achieve more,” Davies said. — Sapa