/ 14 November 2014

The SIPS that plan to move you

The National Infrastructure Plan includes a number of Strategic Integrated Projects (SIPs) that centre on transport, in addition to transport elements in many other SIPs. The relevant SIPS are: 

SIP 7 provides for an integrated urban space and public transport programme that centres on BRT systems in all the metros. Already, over 40 000 passengers use the Rea Vaya system each work day in Johannesburg to get to work safely, reliably and affordably. 

SIP 2 is building a logistics and industrial corridor from Durban through the Free State to Gauteng, with improvements in ports, road and rail as the basis for growing local production along the route. 

SIP 11 is providing agri-logistics and rural infrastructure in regions that have long been effectively marginalised in the national transport grid.   

SIP 3 is improving transport along the South Eastern coast as part of a development corridor there. 

SIP 17 is building regional integration for African co-operation and development based in particular on improvements in trans-continental roads.