/ 7 February 2020

Request for CVs – Individual consultant from the Ministry of Health in Lesotho


Terms of Reference:  (Individual) Short Term Individual Consultant

DEPARTMENTProject Implementing Unit
JOB TITLEDevelopment of Project Implementation Manual
PROJECTLesotho Nutrition and Health System Strengthening Project (LNHSSP)
RESPONSIBLE TOProject Coordinator
DATE OF ISSUE3rd February 2020


The Government of Lesotho (GOL) is planning to implement the Lesotho Nutrition and Health System Strengthening Project (LNHSSP) with the International Development Association’s (IDA) financial and technical support for a period of 5 years (2020 – 2025).  This project aims to support the GOL in implementing a multi-sectoral approach to improve health and nutrition outcomes over a five-year period. The project development objective is to increase utilization and quality of key nutrition and health services in Lesotho. Most of the interventions will be implemented nationwide. The LNHSSP has four main components which include component 1) Community-based health and nutrition services; component 2) Improving health facility-based service delivery; component 3) Strengthen government stewardship, project management and monitoring and evaluation; and component 4) Contingency Emergency Response Component (CERC).

Component 1 consists of three subcomponents which will focus Strengthening Village Health Worker (VHW) functions; 2) Support to Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) and 3) Support to Adolescent Health of Boys and Girls through community-based school health days.  

Component 2 will focus on 2 subcomponents namely: 1) Quality and Bonus Financing for Strategic Purchasing to Eligible Health Facilities and; 2) Quality Improvement Training and Equipment.

The three subcomponents for component 3 will focus on: 1) Building a Nutrition-Enabling Environment through Strengthening the Food Nutrition and Coordination Office; 2)Strengthening MOH Stewardship and M&E Capacities; and 3) Supporting Project Management,  data collection, assessments, surveys, and regular project evaluations.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) will be the fund holder and lead the project. MOH will be working with other MOET, water commission, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security and Food and Nutrition Coordinating Office (FNCO). The stakeholder profile includes various MOH departments and units such as Family Health, Planning and Statistics department, Human Resources, Supply Chain, Environmental Health, Quality Assurance, National Health Training College (NHTC) and health facilities. The Ministry of Health will be managing the project through the Project Implementing Unit (PIU).

Objective of the assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to assist the GOL in: a) reviewing the mechanisms and modalities for sound implementation arrangements for the project; and b) producing  Project Implementation Manual (PIM). The manual will serve as the main reference for project staff and other stakeholders on project-related management, implementation, procurement and financial administration. Specifically, the PIM will outline institutional arrangements, systems and procedures for project planning, implementation monitoring activities, fiduciary and administrative management and evaluation of impact at both national and sub-national levels for implementing ministries and contracted entities.

The PIM will have but not restricted to the following areas of focus: A) Financial operations; B) Procurement operations and contracting the service providers to support the implementation of the project; C) Governance arrangements for the project; D) Project administration and Human resources management; E) Documentation, monitoring and evaluation, F) Implementation arrangements.

The assignment will require a senior level consultant with proven record with design and development of complex manuals. The consultant will refer to other specific standard operating procedures developed for key project’s instruments: Results Based Financing and Community-Based Service Delivery. He/She will receive inputs from the PIU team and other stakeholders.

Duties and Responsibilities 

Drawing from key national documents of the MOH, the project Appraisal Document (PAD), and other documents and under the supervision of the Project Coordinator, the Consultant will support the PIU to prepare the PIM which will include interalia:

  1. A brief but clear description of the project that includes some background information (e.g. context, objectives, components, organisational framework, relations with other institutional participants, etc);
  2. Institutional arrangements within the MOH, and between all the participating ministries, institutions and contracted organisations;
  3. Detailed arrangements for overall implementation of the project (including, interalia, a description of the roles and responsibilities of the various institutional partners as needed) and develop a template for service level agreement or memorandum of understanding to be signed between MOH and other ministries/partners;
  4. The guidelines and processes for preparation of annual work-plans;
  5. Procedures for implementation of each project component and subcomponent including performance-based contracting of non-state actors under the project;
  6. Drawing from existing documentation, financial management and procurement processes for the project (detailed chapters to be included in line with the Kingdom of Lesotho processes and World Bank fiduciary processes);
  7. Governance of the project including detailed processes and procedures to guide all the structures – High level committee and steering committees including the link to other existing structures such as the Nutrition coordination technical working group;
  8. Include a chapter summarising the Environmental and social safeguards procedures detailing for example the stakeholder engagement processes and complaint handling mechanism in relation to the project to enhance accountability for service delivery at national, district , health facility and community levels;
  9. Include procedures for human resources or personnel engaged under the project and other administrative procedures such as asset management, etc
  10. Include development and inclusion of the revised Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Result Based Financing (RBF) scheme and the Community-Based Service delivery instruments.
  11. Support MOH PIU to provide sensitisations and in depth training on procedures stipulated in the PIM.

Qualification and Experience

  1. Advanced degree in Public health or Health care management or administration; OR Business administration in health care management;
  2. Extensive experience in project, financial management and administration (at least 5 years in implementation role)
  3. At least 10 years’ experience in the design and or implementing health or related projects/programs or preparing procedure manuals for guiding implementation of projects– Attach evidence
  4. At least 5 years’ experience developing project manuals for World Bank projects. The incumbent should have extensive knowledge of World Bank operations guidelines including fiduciary and safeguards guidelines.

 Key Skills

  1. Ability to work independently and be creative and innovative; and ability to work in a team;
  2. Good listener with demonstrated ability to present and win support for ideas as well as make effective and timely decisions;
  3. Good mastery of standard computer applications: Microsoft Office Package;
  4. Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English.


The Consultant is responsible for delivering of the following outputs:

No.Deliverables (soft copies)Tentative TimeframePercentage of Output
1.Inception Report, including the proposed methodology and work plan for delivering the assignment after initial phase of consultations.15 days after Contract signing.10% upon acceptance of the inception report
2.Consolidate the manual and present the draft25 days after contract signing 50% upon acceptance of the draft manual
3.Submission of the final draft of the manual30 days after contract signing15% upon acceptance for the Manual
4.Training major stakeholders and disseminating sessions (Final Report)40 days  after contract signing25% upon completion of the training and acceptance of the final report

TOTAL40 days100%

Management Arrangements

The consultant will be reporting directly to the Project Coordinator, who will manage, supervise and guide the work plan.

The Project Coordinator will put at the disposal of the selected Consultant all available materials, and necessary information for tasks achievements as needed. During the assignment, the Consultant will use the Office facilities of the Ministry of Health e.g. Office space, internet access, printing, copying.


The assignment shall be completed within 40 days of contract signing.

Duty Station

The duty station shall be the Ministry of Health Head Office, Maseru, with possible visits at project’s sites. 

Consultant Responsibilities

  1. The Consultant shall be solely responsible for analysis and interpretation of data, reports, review, etc., for the purpose of this assignment and for the findings, conclusions and recommendations in all requested Deliverables;
  1. The Consultant will be responsible for their own accommodation, living expenses, communication expenses and relevant insurances. The Consultant is expected to use his/her own computer and cell phone. The work plan should also make allowance for the time and travel required for interaction with all the stakeholders. Sites visits plan will be proposed to the Consultant.
  1. The Consultant will make all travel, meeting and other necessary arrangements for the assignment;
  1. Conduct of the Consultant:
  • The Consultant will be expected to carry out this assignment in an open and transparent manner, with the highest degree of professionalism and integrity;
  • The Consultant will not, under any circumstances, take any action or be seen to be taking any actions, which may hinder or prevent the progress of the project.


All envisaged travel costs must be included in the financial proposal. This includes travel to join duty station as well as site visits and travel costs exceeding those of an economy class ticket will not be accepted. Should the Consultant wish to travel on a higher class he/she should do so using their own resources.

Lump Sum Amount

The price for the financial proposal should indicate a “Lump Sum Amount” for all costs including professional fees, living allowance and communication. The consumables during field related missions, travel, etc. that could possibly be incurred by the Consultant need to be factored in and should be included as “Re-imbursables” into the proposed price. A detail breakdown of all the costs should be provided in the financial proposal.


Payments for this Consultancy will be based on approval of each deliverable and certification that each has been satisfactorily completed in accordance with this terms of reference. Payments will not be based on the number of days worked but on the completion and acceptance of each stated deliverable within indicated timeframes.

Attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, January 2011 (revised July 2014). (“Consultant Guidelines”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.  

All applications should be in English and must be properly filled in and be courier with the subject “Expression of Interest for “Development of Project Implementation Manual” or hand delivered to the below address.

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written and hard Copy form to the address below in person, on or before 20th February, 2020 1200 hour Local time.

Attn: M Moeketsi-Procurement Specialist and copy Procurement Manager

Procurement Unit, Ground Floor, Ministry Of Health Headquarters ,Corner Constitution Road & Linare Road P. O. Box 514, Maseru 100, Lesotho, Tel:(+266) 27323277 or email. [email protected]