Daniel Gallan
Daniel Gallan is a Johannesburg-born freelance journalist living in London, UK. He is constantly searching for the intersecting lines between sport and politics, to show that the games we play reflect who we are as a society.
Coronavirus and the virtual sports revolution
/ 25 May 2020

Coronavirus and the virtual sports revolution

In a country with more than 35 000 Covid-19-related deaths at the time of writing and an economy staring into an uncertain abyss, the fate of an incomplete football season really shouldn’t matter. But this is England and of all the things that don’t matter, football matters the most. It matters so much that the strategy […]

​Regarding the white male gaze in South African photography
/ 13 June 2017

​Regarding the white male gaze in South African photography

How does a person place himself in the current South African discourse when he is young, white and male? As someone who ticks all three boxes, this is a question I ask regularly as I seek to challenge myself and those around me while being sensitive to the historical social privileges that these variables afford. […]