The AYO affair shows the GEPF should stop backing the ANC’s destructive BEE project, pull out of the stock market and support the public sector instead
The IMF loan is given with false motivation — to provide political cover for entrenched neoliberalism and deep cuts in the public service
The institution has tried to minimise income inequality in South Africa, with ludicrous results, writes Dick Forslund.
The most important tax cuts took place between 2000 and 2005, not in the 1980s, writes Dick Forslund.
Section 27 of the Employment Equity Act has been largely ignored since 1998, even by Cosatu, write Dick Forslund and Jeff Rudin.
Unless reliable, quantifiable data is publicly available, reports cannot be taken seriously, writes Brian Ashley and Dick Forslund.
The Occupy movement continues to spread, amid growing outrage at the "1%" of people whose wealth allows them to dominate the world.
Higher wages for South African workers cannot be justified. That is the only conclusion to be drawn from the media onslaught.