Haider Rizvi
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/ 25 April 2007

Greedy cities consume Earth’s resources

Disproportionate growth of the world’s urban population could result in further loss of many forms of life on Earth, warn experts in the sciences of climate change and biodiversity. Nearly 200 years ago, London was the only city in the world with more than one million people. Today, across the globe, there are more than 400 cities at least that size.

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/ 16 November 2006

Report: Eat less seafood or none will be left

With efforts to protect the world’s fish populations largely failing to boost their dwindling numbers, a new study says that initiatives by seafood buyers, such as individual consumers, supermarket chains and restaurants, could prove more effective. Most seafood, from tuna and salmon to bay scallops, is on the verge of extinction.

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/ 17 August 2005

Iran: Swift UN action unlikely

The George W Bush administration may like to see Iran face sanctions for its nuclear aspirations, but the political mood at the United Nations suggests that such punishment is not what the world community is ready for. ”We don’t think it will be helpful to bring the issue to the Security Council,” the Chinese ambassador to the UN, Wang Guangya, told reporters recently.

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/ 4 July 2005

Outrage over US terror policies

The Bush administration’s policies on indefinite detention and ”extraordinary rendition” are coming under fire from a number of institutions, including the United Nations, Amnesty International, and members of the United States Congress itself. ”The prohibition of torture is non-negotiable,” said UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.