South Sudanese officials have ”stolen” about -billion of public money and should return it to salvage the nation’s reputation, the president said.
South Sudan’s oil minister says they will continue to press for a new oil pipeline because they do not see a future in Sudan’s oil infrastructure.
An increasing number of small mines are owned by Ghanaians on paper but controlled illegally by Chinese entrepreneurs.
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/ 14 October 2009
Ugandan handyman Jackson Mawa marvels at the way business has improved since he bought a solar-powered cellphone.
As the sky begins to bruise, an indigo haze descends on Uganda’s ”mountains of the moon”, and a solitary lioness limps through the savannah.
African governments should continue their development spending plans and draw down foreign exchange reserves to bolster their economies, said the IMF.
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/ 30 November 2008
Congolese Tutsi rebel leader General Laurent Nkunda threatened war on Saturday unless DRC’s government entered a new round of talks with him.
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/ 24 November 2008
Civilians on both sides of the frontlines in eastern DRC are being killed, raped and abducted, human rights campaigners said on Monday.
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/ 10 November 2008
Congolese rebel leader Laurent Nkunda said on Monday he would fight African peacekeepers if they backed government troops against him.
For Maasai tribesman Charles Kamami, Kenya’s drive to boost its geothermal capacity spells environmental destruction.