Judy Seidman responds to Athi Mongelezi Joja’s expanded assessment of her ‘Drawn Lines’ exhibition
Judy Seidman responds to Athi Mongezeleli Joja’s review of her exhibition with some reflections on the praxis of the Medu Art Ensemble
Last week’s articles should have highlighted women’s role in freeing men from patriarchy
Recasting images in the public domain to
deliver a message contrary to the originals is
misappropriation, writes <b>Judy Seidman</b>.
Malangatana Valente Nguenha, who died at his daughter’s home in Portugal on January 3, was "much more than an artist, he is a part of us".
I was diagnosed HIV-positive in 1990. I’ve been taking antiretrovirals for nearly eight years. I survived TB meningitis in 2002. I feel healthier now than I did 20 years ago. Maybe that history should make me fear a new, unstoppable killer within the TB and HIV pandemics. But newspaper stories on XDR-TB (extensively drug-resistant TB) do not leave me quaking with fear of this new illness, writes Judy Seidman.