Eliminating inequalities, including in access to water and sanitation, is a foundational requirement for effective climate action
The climate policies of both parties are constrained because they are far too wedded to the neoliberal economic systems
Amnesty International calls on leaders to deal with the human rights crises around the world
Resource scarcity is dangerous in politically unstable states, where climate change has already been linked to violent conflict and communal upheaval
Water scarcity can trigger widespread upheaval and even economic collapse
Greenpeace’s <i>Kumi Naidoo</i> writes from a prison in Greenland about the effect deep water drilling in the Arctic could have on climate change.
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/ 7 February 2011
Davos is not a revival meeting for the socially or ecologically aware, but many are starting to realise it’s directly linked to their bottom line.
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/ 16 September 2010
As a significant resolution hits the table at the UN Human Rights Council this month, SA’s vote will make all the difference, argue activists.
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/ 22 October 2008
Panicked emails bounced from Blackberry to Blackberry in the world’s wealthiest countries this week.
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/ 27 November 2007
When 23,4million people around the world stood up and spoke out against poverty and inequality on October 17 as part of the Global Call to Action against Poverty campaign, they amplified the silent suffering of the poor into a roar. But what happens after that? We are witnessing a silent tsunami in the developing world, writes Kumi Naidoo.