The shooting of the 12-year-old-boy in 2014 was described as a "perfect storm of human error" by the prosecutor, Tim McGinty.
An officer seen in a viral video throwing a bikini-clad girl to the ground and pulling a gun on other youths has resigned, says police chief.
Ten years after watching Amanda Berry walk out of work for the last time, Darrell Ford stood transfixed behind a US police barricade.
A gunman opened fire at a Sikh temple in the northern US, triggering a shootout which left him and at least six others dead, local police said.
Republicans are rallying against what they see as an insidious attack on Christians by Democrats in governmentbent on eroding ‘moral values’.
31 people have been killed and entire communities have been wiped out as a total of tornadoes have ripped through USA’s heartland.
Fear has given way to frustration in the shattered American town of Joplin as residents await official word on more than 200 loved ones missing.
Rescue teams have been desperately searching for nearly 1 500 people listed as missing since a tornado ripped through Joplin in the US.
A massive tornado that cut a deadly swath through a Missouri town, turning homes into rubble, has reportedly killed at least 24 people.
President Barack Obama accused his Republican foes of wanting to turn the United States into a "Third World" country on Thursday.