Mmusi Maimane’s resignation highlights a core problem: the assumption that the only way to do anything is the way white men did it in the past
Bandied around as a panacea, “social cohesion” is actually a way for the elite to dominate citizens by forcing them to repress their differences
The recent election has shown again that the extremism which worries democrats in much of the world has little traction in South Africa
To claim that protests are being organised suggests sinister motives. But all protest is organised. So are cake sales and shopping expeditions
Too few South Africans are able to participate in systems that allow their voices to be heard
It is an unpopular view, but Fanie du Toit’s evidence and argument shows us a way forward
The stimulus package is more interesting for what it says about the politics of economic decision making than for its likely impact on the economy
Steven Friedman argues that the constitutional amendment is likely to clarify the Constitution’s current provisions on land expropriation
The Mark Lamberti case shows that South African business suffers from deeply rooted racial prejudices
The crisis caused by land expropriation without compensation will be resolved by opening up the economy and addressing historical inequalities