Municipalities need a governance register to ensure their performance more than compliance
What the government of national unity can do to connect mining to sustainable industrialisation and create the jobs the country requires
As authoritarianism entrenches itself globally, it is vital that South Africa inspires a return of accountability and participation
Dropping democracy for aspirant autocrats who will put everything in order with a big stick might not be all it’s cracked up to be
The failure of coalitions in metros demonstrates the need for transparent and publicly available agreements
Research suggests the country is suffering from it, requiring better governance and institutions
Rather than doing the work of municipalities, mines must build human capital in their areas
South Africa’s debt-to-GDP ratio must drop below 60%, meaning some conditions have to be met – and ensuring state-owned enterprises are effective is a priority
Deliberations on democracy were not a big part of the mining talks in Joburg but players in the sector need to recognise their responsibilities
Mining has a key role to play in helping to ease youth unemployment