The draft Bill proposes to shield academics and scholars who propagate racist and bigoted ideas
By sharing their ideas and knowledge, they can change the world. What’s holding them back?
All political parties in SA try to mobilise voters based on their and voters’ xenophobia and they’re outdoing each other
A ‘foreign threat’ could be a convenient boogeyman in an election season where politicians will face questions about their failures. Or not?
Maslow’s hierarchy suggests that the need for – and fulfilling of – self-actualisation and esteem are behind turmoil at universities
Fear-mongering and dehumanisation of the other – particularly the powerless and poor foreign other – are the order of the day in South Africa
Decolonisation will take time and those capable of making it a reality are in short supply.
The military’s capabilities for socioeconomic development are questionable, even in its own country, yet it is expected to aid humanitarian efforts.