For the first time, the tie-breaker for knockout round qualifying came down to the disciplinary records of two otherwise evenly-matched sides
If Julius Malema is a fascist, and his party is a mere extension of his fascism, then everything they say can be dismissed outright, can it not?
The land question can be avoided no longer – it is of crucial economic, social and legal importance.
South Africa has an undernourished literary tradition, where even among the sophisticated one may find confusion over written work and writers.
The damage done by state capture does not blind us to the fact that the democratic project belongs to all citizens
The good news is that South Africans have chosen to go forwards – that choice is evident in the rejection of state capture from all quarters.
Transformation is not a magical wand that excludes black owners from playing by the same rules as everybody else.
The local level is the coalface of government work; it’s where failure and state capture hurts the most.
The ANC, having struggled to rectify the theft of land, finds that it is firmly on the people’s agenda.
Who has the correct struggle credentials, public service record, broad public support and has become the face of the fight for good governance?