The recent department of higher education and training report on universities’ research productivity is interesting but it is only part of the picture
The Covid-19 pandemic is frightening, but it has also reminded us that we exist because of the care of other people
Collaborating with other universities will assist in dealing with diseases and other social issues that know no borders
Boundaries at all levels limit the exchange of ideas necessary to resolve complex global problems
The University of Pretoria’s programmes and partnerships aim to ensure appropriate employment opportunities for its students
We need to work together to build a new and equitable pool of services for all South Africans
Community engagement and social responsibility is not an “add on”; it is a core role and responsibility of higher education.
The university is launching four transdisciplinary initiatives to harness knowledge in the 4IR era
The university has 83 (32.5%) women professors out of a total of 255
Graduates need to learn critical, transdisciplinary skills if they are to thrive in the modern workplace