Leaders have power, influence and authority, which should be used carefully
The fact that development outcomes are deteriorating even though capacity has improved illustrates that how a state is organised matters
South Africa needs a profound restructuring of state-capital relations, coupled with a comprehensive social policy, to address unemployment, poverty and inequality
Having faith that market forces alone will create full employment under an enabling environment is a pipe dream. A wage subsidy programme is a good place to start tackling joblessness
Government must lead, but organised labour and business must play their part in tackling youth unemployment and upskilling the youth, so that the coronavirus crisis can be turned into an opportunity
The agreement could go beyond economics towards the political unification of Africa
The country needs an economic policy that takes account of the skill sets we currently have
The country is missing a viable social policy
As with economics, the state is rudderless, which requires a return to the ideals of the Constitution and a developmental state
As change seems finally within reach, we must assess the political work that needs to be done