/ 31 July 2022

PODCAST | The Mail & Guardian team breaks down the ANC policy conference

War Of Diamonds (2)

[powerpress url=”https://media.blubrry.com/mandglisten/content.blubrry.com/mandglisten/M_G_Team_V1.mp3″]

We have entered into what many call the ‘silly season’ in the African National Congress, the governing party in South Africa, and the Mail & Guardian has decided it was only right that the team which has been bringing you the current and in depth stories on all things politics explain some of the key issues the agency will have to deal with head on.

As many know, the ANC’s election kicks off with a policy conference. This is where about five thousand of its delegates nationwide come together, congregate, discuss and form new policy positions for the next five years. This is also a time where those with a vested interest in leadership positions within the ANC gauge the balance of forces ahead of the party’s elective conference coming up in December.

We have prepared a wholesome meal for our readers where we look at some of the key issues in the leading party that will undoubtedly make for robust conversation when the ANC congregates.

Don’t forget to leave us a thumbs up when you’re done listening. 
You’ll find more podcasts here.