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/ 4 May 2007

Mali: rule of benevolence

At rallies across Mali, a vast desert nation perched on the edge of the Sahara, the blue and white clad supporters of incumbent President Amadou Toumani Touré chanted "Takokelen!" It means "victory in one go" in Bambara, a local language. And, it seems, Malians have given the president just that.

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/ 22 October 2003

Why SA must track mergers

Some people argue that competition authorities in developing countries should not regulate mergers, as this diverts resources that will be better used to chase down cartels. Others argue that we should turn a blind eye to mergers that lead to domination of domestic markets, because increased scale will better equip industry to penetrate international markets.

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/ 14 October 2003

Zapping colluders and bully-boys

The importance of curbing anti-competitive conduct cannot be overstated. The World Bank estimates the monopoly rent extracted from developing countries alone by a few international cartels prosecuted in the 1990s totalled $24-billion a year — nearly half the development aid provided to developing countries.

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/ 7 October 2003

Magna Carta of the markets

At the beginning of the 1990s a dozen national competition laws existed. A decade later there were more than 90. At the World Trade Organisation talks in Cancun, key players punted the development of competition rules for world trade. In the first article in a series on competition law, David Lewis defends our trust-busting machinery.