Makana’s budget, and those of most municipalities, need monitoring and the corrupt and wasteful held to account
Durban and Cape Town have experienced tourism growth to achieve economic revenue exceeding pre-Covid-19 levels
Businesses are hoping the dry El Niño weather pattern keeps high levels of E coli detected in river water from washing into the sea
The metro plans to spend R8.6 million in total on ‘uplifting’ events, but has refused to make available a breakdown of costs
Another national disaster looms as polluted Apies River may be the prime suspect behind the deadly Tshwane waterborne disease outbreak
Raw water sources have high levels of E.Coli and coliform bacteria, posing serious health risks
Poorly treated wastewater in Tshwane is to blame for the water hyacinth and cyanobacteria colonies
E.Coli counts in tributaries feeding the Hennops River run into tens of millions, far above the permitted limit