The waste management company’s services are not operational in 10 of the 12 depots around Johannesburg because of protest action
The initiative includes encouraging residents to start food gardens
The government’s failed attempts to address unemployment have left many without work, but there are ways to effectively overcome this
For households in mining towns a greener economy must provide more secure jobs that pay enough to ensure household wellbeing and upward mobility
Social grants are by far the largest facet of South Africa’s social protection system in terms of the number of people covered, according to the World Bank
A decade of reconstruction looms post-Covid. This is our chance to restructure the economy to build a more inclusive one
Intended beneficiaries of the expanded public works scheme are only temporary workers and open to exploitation by unscrupulous employers.
The jobs programme further demeans those who won’t contribute but take state largesse for granted.
The department of public works say they created more than the required 600 000 job opportunities in the 2010/11 financial year.
Government’s expanded public works programme benefits those with political connections, not the poor, DA MP James Masango said on Wednesday.
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/ 10 October 2008
What has the Expanded Public Works Programme achieved in the period since its launch in 2004?