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/ 18 January 2008

Eighteen million reasons to place your bet

Any country that wants to win the African Cup of Nations had better have a population of at least 15-million — or they might as well bury the thought. Since the inaugural tournament more than half a century ago, the Cup has only once been won by a country that boasts a population of less than 15-million — in 1972, four million-strong Congo-Brazzaville won it.

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/ 11 January 2008

DRC rebels rejoin peace conference

Tutsi rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on Friday rejoined a peace conference aimed at ending long-running conflict in the east, a day after suspending their participation over security concerns. The rebels’ leader, renegade General Laurent Nkunda, told Reuters he was ready if necessary to take part in the meeting.

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/ 22 November 2007

Fighting in DRC kills 20 rebel soldiers

Fighting flared in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s powder keg east on Wednesday, as the army battled insurgent troops after killing 20 rebel soldiers who staged a pre-dawn attack. Men loyal to cashiered general Laurent Nkunda launched a raid on an army position near Rutshuru, the headquarters of an eponymous district in the troubled Nord-Kivu province.