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/ 12 May 2008

The scramble for survival

Having survived the cyclone, the struggle now is for survival. First there is the scramble for fresh water, with long lines all over Rangoon to buy it by the bucketload at three times the price it was before the cyclone. Then there is the hunt for shelter among the debris in a city where more homes are now without roofs than with them.

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/ 6 December 2005

Myanmar plans move to ‘disciplined democracy’

Myanmar’s ruling generals on Monday opened a round of talks on drafting a new Constitution and steering the isolated country toward what the junta calls ”disciplined democracy”. ”This is the first step in the transition to democracy, and it is the most crucial step. Genuine and disciplined democracy — there is no other way, this is the way,” said Lieutenant General Thein Sein.

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/ 17 June 2005

Global protests call for Suu Kyi’s freedom

Aung San Suu Kyi’s supporters plan protests around the world to mark her 60th birthday on Sunday, demonstrating outside Myanmar’s embassies in a dozen countries to demand her release from two years’ house arrest. Suu Kyi will only be able to hear of the protests on her short-wave radio, one of the few links she has with the outside world.

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/ 4 June 2003

Suu Kyi is safe and sound, says junta

Myanmar’s generals insist that pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi is safe and unhurt following a bloody clash involving her supporters, but they won’t reveal where she’s being detained or how long she’ll be held — despite concerns raised by world leaders and the United Nations.