South Africa must flatten the inequality curve
/ 8 June 2020

South Africa must flatten the inequality curve

We cannot return to the pre-coronavirus crisis of unemployment, inequality and poverty. There is a moral incentive for the rich to give up some of their wealth and for the salaries of top earning civil servants, employees at state-owned entities and in the private sector to be cut

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/ 26 November 2007

Absa injects money to cut housing backlog

Absa and the National Housing Finance Corporation (NHFC) on Monday signed a memorandum of understanding to speed up the provision of housing in several provinces. Absa has committed R2,6-billion for the building of 100 000 units by 2010. The bank has also committed an additional R150-million for project preparations.

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/ 29 August 2007

Greening Alexandra has its rewards

Keeping the environment clean and green is everyone’s responsibility, but for the residents of Alexandra extension 7, north of Johannesburg, it comes with a reward: a government initiative is not only bringing trees and flowers to the dusty streets, but also offering monthly prizes for residents who try out their gardening skills.