Rhodes closure
/ 30 July 2010

Rhodes closure

<b>Peter Vale</b> has been associated with Rhodes University for nearly 40 years. He shares the notes from his diary of his last week there.

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/ 29 February 2008

But do they think?

Incredulity: how else was one to react to the news that an American think tank had recently dished out a series of awards to other think tanks — including the locally based Institute for Security Studies (ISS). On a little reflection it is easy to see how this is possible. As political philosopher Hannah Arendt once remarked: "The trouble with think-tankers is that they don’t think!"

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/ 19 February 2008

PhD lessons from Brazil

Notwithstanding signs of increasing commitment by the state, many worries continue over the future of South Africa’s higher education system. The elephant in the room remains the fact that the system is not reproducing itself. Many whispers in the corners suggest that the system may now border on being unsustainable.

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/ 22 May 2007

Three ways to right the three Rs

A former vice-chancellor of Stellenbosch University and a vastly experienced academic and administrator who has held senior positions in Australia, Chris Brink leaves our shores soon to take up the vice-chancellorship of Newcastle University in the United Kingdom. In this interview, he is provoked him into some plain speaking by six wide-ranging questions about the local tertiary scene.

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/ 4 October 2004

Dragons are lurking

Despite the recent teachers’ strike, things have gone well for Naledi Pandor, the Minister of Education. But surely her predecessors will have told Pandor that dragons, far more fierce than some vice-chancellors, lurk in the gloomy waters around South Africa’s universities. After 10 years of "torrid government interference" in universities, Peter Vale offers six of the best to the new Minister of Education.

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/ 12 August 2004

Light to be shone on hidden places

Over the past decade, South Africa has given up an astonishing number of stories about its dark past. Some places, we can be sure, will never reveal their pasts except, perhaps, in the novels that remain to be written. One place where stories have still to be told and which will not wait for the novels are South Africa’s universities. The links between political power and organised forms of knowledge come into focus at a Rhodes University conference this month.