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/ 3 May 2007

How to free the media in Zimbabwe

After Robert Mugabe goes, Zimbabweans will have to face the fact that they have not enjoyed freedom of expression and a free media to the extent they should have as a modern and independent nation. Zimbabwe remains one of few countries in the world where the government still monopolises broadcasting and controls the largest print media company.

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/ 21 February 2006

Meet the Mayor

The date for municipal elections is looming, and still hardly any voters get media access to local government candidates. Professor Tawana Kupe suggests that opening the airwaves could go a long way towards addressing the protests on lack of service delivery.

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/ 12 December 2005

Debate with Snuki

Against a background of raised political temperatures, Professor Tawana Kupe enagaged with Dr Snuki Zikalala, the SABC’s MD of news and current affairs, at the recent Harold Wolpe Lecture Series. He gives here a summary of the disagreements.

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/ 4 October 2005

Woman’s Day Lies

The dominant representations of sex prove that local media’s pro-equality approach in August of every year is a big con. Professor Tawana Kupe argues that while women are seen as sexy, the jobs they do are not.

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/ 31 August 2005

Reasonable Suspicion

Professor Tawana Kupe argues that Jacob Zuma’s cries of "trial by media" are misinformed. The media works on the presumption of reasonable suspicion, not on the legal presumption that one is innocent until proven guilty.

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/ 5 January 2005

Nothing African About It

We may have made some major advances since the colonial era, but is their really anything "African" about the continent’s media? Professor Tawana Kupe is sceptical, claiming that the modern media is an effect of the colonial intrusion into Africa.

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/ 13 October 2004

Tough Calls

For the media, there’s a thin line between acting as publicity agent for a terrorist group and disseminating vital information. Prof. Tawana Kupe unpacks the danger and subtlety of these news events.

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/ 2 June 2004

Scandal Games

The media industry globally, and here I am including advertising, could be said to thrive on the four Ss: Sex, Sin, Scandal and Sport. What is it about sport that whips the usually cynical media into a nationalistic frenzy? Prof. Tawana Kupe looks at the sex, sin and scandal, and then sees the politics.

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/ 19 May 2004

Backing Off?

Fierce civil strife, it was. The battle between South African newspaper editors and the feminist organisation Gender Links, waged in the run up to International Women’s Day on March 8th, was instigated by the "back page". There’s no easy solution to the fight that recently erupted between editors and feminists over the "back page". Tawana Kupe explains the problem.

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/ 9 March 2004

Beloved elite

The ANC is going to win the third democratic elections, so say the media and analysts. This is true. So how is the media going to cover a competitive contest where the result is already known? Tawana Kupe thinks the media should alert the elite it so loves to the dangers of endemic poverty.

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/ 7 January 2004

Not the whole story

The dismissal of Mathatha Tsedu as editor of the <i>Sunday Times</i> raises questions not just about transformation of the media, but about transformation of South African society. The two are interlinked, because the media is its own social institution as much as it has an institutional role which impacts on all other social institutions, writes Tawana Kupe.