The three, along with co-accused Ace Magashule, recently applied to the high court to have charges stemming from the scandal set aside but were unsuccessful
The court also dismissed applications by Edwin Sodi and two former Free State officials, saying their objections should be aired in the criminal trial not on a preliminary basis
Some say Yvonne Chetty may be a ‘scapegoat’ as more red flags emerge in nuclear-linked deal
This could translate into meaningful business opportunities for small and medium enterprises
BEE firm that will reap rewards from huge payout tender refuses to reveal its shareholders
The BEE consortium that is part of the winning bidder for a massive social grant tender has many links to Mvelaphanda, Tokyo Sexwale’s company.
The human settlements department has launched a whistleblower witch-hunt after a damning audit exposing a dodgy R72.6-million IT contract was leaked.