Festivities were stained with signs of the war’s toll: Gondar’s hospitals teemed with wounded combatants, while families like Arega’s confronted the absence of the deceased.
Skirmishes between forces continue despite government calls for peace in a region already torn apart by ethnic conflicts
The Mail & Guardian spoke to Somalis about their relatives who disappeared after signing up for military training and fear they may have been killed
The Ethiopian government has created its own ‘fact-checking’ unit — and it is not the only government to do so.
The conflict in Ethiopia could spill over into the entire Horn of Africa region. AU and regional leaders need to step up their efforts to de-escalate the situation
As the conflict between the national government and Tigray escalates, the window for intervention is closing fast
The purpose of this emergency is not to protect the constitutional order but to silence the voices calling for change.
All eyes are now on the ruling coalition as it deals with the prime minister’s resignation and scrambles to fill his position.
Readers write in about Robert Mugabe and his regime,and other regime changes in Africa