“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”- Ralph Emerson




PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC)

“What drives me to success is knowing that my work and achievements are not only for myself but for the next person watching me and needing that motivation to keep going,” says Gift Wezzie Somakwabe, 26, prolific YouTuber and internal audit associate at PricewaterhouseCoopers. Gift’s dedication to education, teaching and mentoring has been an inspiration to her viewers and all those around her. She is passionate about making a difference in the lives of others. Gift continues to inspire many with her commitment to sharing her experiences and insights through her YouTube channel. Her channel is a valuable resource for anyone interested in pursuing a career in internal auditing. It also addresses various challenges young people may face in their lives — whether it’s how to deal with the stress of studies, how to choose a career path or matters that are related to finances, such as investing and financial management. Her innovation and willingness to share her knowledge and experience is a testament to her generosity and dedication. Gift is committed to youth development and encourages young people to pursue their dreams and never be afraid to embrace education and grow. She also started an initiative, LearnWithGift, to tutor and assist students with cover letters, CVs and interview preparation.

  • Diploma in accountancy (University of Johannesburg)
  • Advance Diploma in accountancy (UJ)
  • BCom Honours in internal auditing (UJ)

  • Young Internal Auditor of the Year 2022, the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA SA) 
  • Keynote speaker in high schools, audit firms and university functions

Growing up, my late father would call me Nkosazana Zuma, whenever he had the chance, those words would utter out of his mouth. 

I didn’t understand him back then but now I know what he saw in me. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma is known for her indestructible and courageous spirit, and this has encouraged me to always be brave and go for what I want no matter how difficult the journey is.

I would tell my younger self not to be too hard on herself and understand that it is okay to make mistakes and learn from them. 

I would tell her to take time to always reflect on her achievements and be proud of herself, no matter how small each achievement is.

I would like to see young people cementing themselves and taking up space (the words of Zozibini Tunzi). 

I want young people to change their mindset in terms of developing the country. Many young people desire to relocate overseas for a better lifestyle. 

We need to see young people of South Africa creating the lifestyle they desire in our country and contributing to our economy and creating a legacy for those who are to come. 

It is important to be the change that we want to see in the world (the words of Mohandas Gandhi), and it all starts with our youth.

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