“The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” — Steve Jobs

This quote resonates with me because it captures the essence of how I approach challenges and opportunities. I believe that by disrupting systems, we can bring about positive change and create a better future for everyone.



Flowspace Productivity

Twenty-three-year-old Khonaz Stuurman is the co-founder of the first-ever personal productivity application in the country, Flowspace. Flowspace’s is to be the ultimate productivity solution for people and teams in South Africa and beyond, helping them achieve their goals and to be more efficient.

His vision is to grow the product into a household name in the productivity space and contribute to the tech industry in our country. “With life-coaching and other supportive services built into the experience we offer a holistic solution that addresses both personal and professional needs. Just like how solutions like smartwatches have saved people from dire health-threatening situations, Flowspace will contribute its part toward creating a society of mentally healthy and capable individuals through the power of technology,” he says.

Khonaz’s main role is managing the marketing and ensuring customer satisfaction, making sure that the features built into the app are what people want and need. He works with the development team to ensure new features are aligned with the company’s vision and goals and meet the needs of the target audience.

Flowspace was accepted into the Engenesis Venture Building Start-Up Program, a global venture builder based in Sydney, Australia. “I believe that the key to building a better future for all lies in empowering individuals to take responsibility for their own growth and success, rather than relying solely on government or external factors, Khonaz says.

Studied sound engineering at the Academy of Sound Engineering in Johannesburg.

Flowspace was accepted into the Engenesis Venture Building Start-Up Program, a global venture builder based in Sydney, Australia. As part of the programme, we received mentorship and resources that helped us develop and launch our product. We are proud to have graduated from the programme and continue to build on the foundation that it helped us establish.

I won the Best Rugby Player of the Year award in my age group during my first year of playing in grade 1. Despite being new to the sport, winning the award ignited a fire in me and showed me the power of hard work, determination and dedication. It taught me that, even when faced with new challenges, I could succeed with perseverance and a positive attitude. This childhood memory has been a constant source of motivation and has driven me to achieve success in all aspects of my life.

I would tell myself to take risks and not be afraid of failure, as failure is often the greatest teacher. I would encourage myself to be patient and persistent and to never give up on my dreams, no matter how difficult they may seem. Finally, I would remind myself to always stay true to my values and to never compromise my integrity, as that is the foundation of a fulfilling and meaningful life.

In five years, I would like to see South Africa as a country that is focused on productivity and personal development. I believe that the key to building a better future for all lies in empowering individuals to take responsibility for their own growth and success, rather than relying solely on the government or external factors. I hope to see more South Africans taking the initiative to develop their skills, pursue entrepreneurship and innovation, and contribute to the growth of their communities and the economy at large.

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