/ 23 August 1996

Tussle over the future of Kippie’s

Kippie’s is not closing down, writes Karen Davies

CONTRARY to press reports, the music venue Kippie’s is not closing down. According to the Market Theatre’s management, which rents out the venue, Kippie’s current managers are being evicted and “there will be a change of tenancy”.

“This is brought about by the failure of Mr [Theven] Naidoo to fulfil his business commitments with respect to the payment of the rental of the venue and the payment of numerous other creditors,” a press release from John Kani, managing trustee of the Market Theatre Foundation, states.

Kippie’s started out as a venue dedicated to jazz and became one of the hottest music spots in Johannesburg. In recent years though, the venue has declined, with only big name acts able to fill it. The music also diversified to include township pop acts , which may actually have kept the ship afloat for longer. While particular music acts may or may not have appealed to the public — the venue suffered from the general decline of the Market Precinct.

A petition from Naidoo and Arabi Mocheke of Kippie’s, urging support to prevent the eviction, was circulated this week. It states that the non- payment of rent involves an amount of less than R20 000 and that they were given less than five days to respond. There was no consultation or warning, it says.

The petition also talks of the “trying circumstances of operating in Newtown (the Yard of Ale on the Market Precinct has been closed for over a year and Newtown Galleries have also moved out of the Precinct) which the Market themselves experienced until recently when they were given a government subsidy which has allowed them to continue”.

The petition asks for support “in stopping the Market Theatre from proceeding with this legal action. We have appealed to the Market Theatre for an extension of the repayment period allowing us to pay this amount by the end of September.” The eviction will have a negative impact on the way the public views the city centre and the Newtown Precinct, it says.

It asks for supporters to fill in a coupon headlined “Hands Off Kippie’s” and send it to Kani at the Market Theatre.

But Kani’s release responds: “The Market Theatre cannot use its resources, which include a government grant, to support bad private business practices.

“Kippie’s will continue to provide the vital service to the public it has done in the past.”