The food revolution is changing the face of the world, report John Vidal and Mark Milner
Six giant agrochemical corporations are poised to dominate world food production with genetically engineered food. The result could be millions of farmers unemployed, poor countries losing whole export markets, a consumer revolt in Europe, and concentration of farming in fewer hands.
The scale and speed of the food revolution gathering pace in the United States is surprising governments, industry and analysts. The companies claim that more than 12-million hectares of genetically engineered crops have been planted this year, more than three times as many as in 1996 and 10 times more than in 1995.
“The market is expected to double again next year,” said a representative for Monsanto, the chemical and biotechnology firm.
In Britain, trial crops have been grown for several years and the first commercial releases of genetically engineered seeds are expected to be approved by the European Union early next year.
The $8-billion investment led by US-based Monsanto, with international conglomerates Novartis, AgroEvo, Dupont, Zeneca and Dow behind it, raises questions of corporate influence on governments. The drive to push genetic engineering has involved heavy lobbying of trade organisations, regulatory bodies, law-makers, the media and consumers.
The companies claim that the new technologies are environmentally friendly and will lead to health benefits, an end to world hunger and reduced use of pesticides.
“There’s no crop or person that cannot benefit. There’s a tide of history turning. You can look back, or ask how you’re going to feed the world,” Monsanto said.
However, international consumer groups advise caution and say that scientific, ethical and social concerns are being swept aside. “Scientists and industry are making decisions on behalf of consumers with minimal public debate,” said Julie Shepherd of the Consumers Association.
“Millions of small farmers without access to the technologies or to global markets will be unable to compete,” said Professor Vandana Shiva, director of the Science and Technology Research Institute in Delhi.
In an analysis of the changes taking place in the global food industry, the Mail & Guardian has found:
* a revolving door between the US government and the biotech industry;
* heavy lobbying to rewrite world food safety standards in favour of biotechnology;
* new laws protecting the US food industry from criticism;
* unexpected environmental problems;
* legal contracts locking farmers into corporate control of production;
* attempts by the world’s leading public relations firms to massage debate in favour of genetic engineering;
* the use of world organisations to challenge governments opposing genetically modified crops;
* consumers being given no effective choice of foods; and
* fears that the economies of developing countries will be adversely affected.
The revolution is based on simple gene manipulation that modifies seeds to resist herbicides patented by the same companies. In a few years, it is expected to move into hitherto unimaginable foods.
Behind the vision of more productive crops needing fewer pesticides, a fierce battle is being fought over food production. The prize for the US-dominated industry is a $400-billion-a-year global market.
“Their combined power to dominate world markets is awesome,” a UN economist said. “The train has already left the station. It is practically unstoppable now.”
Biotechnology will enable the US to dominate markets further and will stimulate its economy. The UN’s International Labour Organisation predicts that the food revolution will be established globally within 10 years, with huge consequences. Agriculture represents 65% of the global economy.
The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation expects great social and economic changes. “It is not possible to hope that there will be job creation with the new technologies,” a representative said. “It will fundamentally affect farming everywhere and play a large part in the future of the poorest.”
A McKinsey Business Quarterly report says: “The world is about to witness a revolution. The science is now in the hands of large, well-funded, agricultural, chemical and pharmaceutical giants which are poised to move from a handful of products on the market today to a full menu in five years’ time. Biotechnology is revolutionising the food chain.”
This week senior players in the British food industry expressed new concerns for genetically modified foods. A representative for the Consumers Association said: “It is assumed that new foods are adequately controlled. But legislation in this area has come late and is inadequate to address all consumer concerns.”
Resistance to genetically modified foods is growing in Europe and the developing countries, uniting consumer and environment groups. Trial crops are being sabotaged.