/ 5 May 1998

Ministry of crashed cars


A REMARKABLE number of staff of the Safety and Security Ministry — including Minister Sydney Mufamadi, his driver, his private secretary, and the private secretary of his deputy minister — have all been involved in accidents while driving state-owned cars, the ministry revealed on Monday.

“Good grief,” was the response of usually outspoken Democratic Party leader Tony Leon, when reading Mufamadi’s written response to his question.

According to the reply, Mufamadi was driving a state-owned vehicle when it was involved in an accident in September 16 last year, incurring damage of R2647. His driver David Mokone’s accident was on March 17, with no cost estimate yet available. No damage costs are available yet for an accident involving his assistant private secretary’s accident on February 5, or Deputy Minister Joe Matthews’ private secretary’s crash on May 30. Mufamadi’s private secretary’s crash on January 26, however, caused damage to the tune of R5778.

Referring to the successful Arrive Alive campaign to bring down road deaths, Leon said: “Mufamadi should tell us what he is doing to improve the accident record of his men from the Ministry.”